Jul 9, 2022 | 2022, Harisumiran
The third Annual Patotsav of Harisumiran Mandir was held on Saturday, July 9th, 2022. This auspicious occasion was graced by the presence of four saints who travelled from India. The altar was decorated with smurtis of Guruhari Hariprasad Swamiji, dating back to the...
Jun 25, 2022 | 2022, Harisumiran
Param Pujya Satshri Vishwavallabh Swami (Swaminarayan Aashram – Surat, India) was given a warm welcome at Harisumiran Mandir by P. Sarvamangalswami and P....
Jul 5, 2020 | 2020, Harisumiran
In commemoration of the one-year inauguration and murti prathistha of Harisumiran Mandir, the first Patotsav was held on Sunday, July 5th, 2020. Immediately after the morning Shangar Aarti, a mahapooja was held in the presence of Thakorji. Thereafter, a ceremony for...
Mar 8, 2020 | 2020, Harisumiran
On March 8 th , 2020, the grand Holi festival was celebrated at Harisumiran Mandir. Holi commemorates the day Bhagwan Vishnu saved devout devotee, Prahlad, from being burned alive by his aunt Holika, thus symbolizing how Bhagwan is always protecting his devotees. In...
Feb 16, 2020 | 2020, Harisumiran
On Sunday, February 9th , 2020 we celebrated Vasant Panchmi, the arrival of Spring, at Harisumiran Mandir. In the Swaminarayan sampraday, this occasion also marks the anniversary of the Shikshapatri and Shastriji Maharaj’s pragatyadin. This occasion was celebrated...
Jul 7, 2019 | 2019, Harisumiran
The last session, on the morning of July 7th, was reserved specifically for the murti pratishtha ceremony. Thousands of devotees came early to witness this historical moment via a live video feed, while the senior saints were at the Haridham Mandir to perform the...